Welcome to HCG Weight
HCG is a short form of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone, a body friendly substance that can be found in the urine of pregnant females.
The use of HCG in the treatment of obesity was first discovered by the late British Physician, Dr. A. T. W. Simeons. He devoted years to researching various patients suffering from obesity.
During this time, Simeons noticed several important factors including the lack of symptoms one would expect from a patient on a very low calorie diet. For example, his patients had no headaches, hunger pains, weakness, or irritability as long as the low calorie diet was combined with HCG.
Tens of thousands of people used this simple, inexpensive, safe treatment and achieved miraculous, fast, and permanent weight loss.
The main problems that overweight people deal with are massive, intense, constant physical hunger; food cravings and uncontrollable urges to eat when not hungry; low metabolism; and an abnormally high amount of fat stored in stubborn secure problem areas such as the hips, thighs, buttocks, and waist. This “weight loss cure protocol” has been proven to be virtually 100% successful in correcting these conditions, thus curing the individual of obesity for life!
Patients who need to lose 15 pounds or, 7 kilos or less require 26 days treatment with 23 daily injections. The very low calorie diet is continued for 3 days following the end of the injections to avoid weight regain. Under normal circumstances a 500kcal diet is almost impossible. But through the administration of HCG it becomes possible. The HCG treatment of Dr. Simeons suppresses feelings of hunger so you will feel satisfied with the 500kcal.

Kevin Trudeau’s book, “The Weight Loss Cure” has received controversial reviews, mainly based on negative occurrences of his past. However, the relevance of these reviews should be taken lightly in regards to his book, “The Weight Loss Cure” for one important reason- his book does not consist of his own theories and he does not claim to be a medical professional.
Rather, he explains that the book is based on the theories of the Dr.’s such as Dr. Simeons who have dedicated years to studying the effects of HCG injections for weight loss. He has brought new light to the HCG Diet, with thousands of new HCG dieters already losing a pound or more a day!